Instant gratification girl.

So I’m laying in bed last night.  With a preschooler’s feet in the small of my back. (Ella has been sleeping upstairs, in her sister’s bed, lately so Amelia has planted herself in my bed.  Nice.)  And I realized that I was going to make an attempt at a post every day in November.  So, maybe I can make it every other day?  Only even days? 

I have a confession.  I’ve been making out with Netflix.  And itunes.  And drooling over Nook.  Apparently, my brain thinks that I have more time than I actually do. 

Okay, maybe not making out.  But it sure feels like the walk of shame when I realize that I spent a good chunk of my night rating all the movies I’ve ever seen in an attempt to find that one movie that I’ve been missing all my life. 

I’m a slut.  A slut for entertainment gadgets.  Oooo, shiny object.

I don’t actually have the sense of entitlement that God gave an eighth grader.  It just seems that way.  I get like this when I work all the time.  I feel like I should get something for all those hours.  Instead of depositing the check into the account that pays the bills that keeps us fed and housed and clothed.  I would like something to show for it.  I need the instant gratification.

Lord knows I’m not getting that anywhere else.  I may as well buy a minute of distraction.

Because there’s definitely something missing.  And if I stick my tongue down itunes’ throat, I might find it.

Or not.

1 thought on “Instant gratification girl.

  1. I can soooo relate! The one thing that I do indulge in is audiobooks. Makes me feel like I’m using brain power while I sew or clean. Luckily, I discovered our library has free downloads (that disappear from your library after 2 weeks) so I can indulge without feeling too guilty about the cost!

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